Compact RB

Termostate pentru fiare de calcat, presostate, regulatoare nivel

Thermostats for irons, pressure switches, level regulators

Bimet HT281 thermostat

BIMET thermostat

Ceme level regulator

D.F. Thermostat with fusible

Floater for level regulator

Ghidini thermostat

Ironmaster Thermostat with fusible

Lemm Faston Thermostat

Macpi 030-032 thermostat

mechanical level regulator

Pony Junior Thermostat

Pony Senior-Macpi 026 Thermostat

Pressure Switch

 The most common thermostats are the following:

Sirai level regulator

Star P-Star G thermostat

Thermostat with fuzible Trevil

Tulipano thermostat